holiday 2020

Somehow, we made it here today. A grey Sunday drinking far too much coffee on the couch without much of a to-do list but to work on the most exciting thing this year, my own website! Etsy has served me incredibly well and I’m not sure I’m totally done with it, but I was keen on having a space where I could showcase more than one thing at a time. I am excited to be here and I am feeling a lot of joy lately as folx receive their packages, but alas it is 2020 and how else could it end but without another delay or another tribulation. It seems many packages are floating within the ether and i’ve got nothing now but time on my hands to worry about them. I have tried the opposite and it is working, like half of the time. I had a friend awaiting on one in Portland, Oregon and after ten days it finally arrived, but here is what she had to say before its arrival:

“My Tierra Madera pieces are old timey travelers, making their way on a covered wagon, across vast plains and turbulent terrain, with no villages to stop at along the way to send correspondence. I stand at my front door every morning with my shawl wrapped around my shoulders, sipping tea and staring whimsically into the horizon, wondering if today will be the day that their quest is complete. I wait patiently, knowing that when they arrive I will wrap them up in a sweet embrace and they will regale me of stories from their harrowing journey.” -Kelsey Kagan

This brought me smiles and I wanted to share that with you. I have absolutely no idea what this blog will or won’t become, but I know that I have many things to say and so much to share that it feels important to give space for it especially in these times. I am also trying to take space from social media and writing in a longer, blog like format feels a bit more revealed, something genuine I can reach for if I need the proper amount of words.

I want to sign off on this to say a very Happy Holiday to you! Wherever you are, celebrating something or another or nothing at all, I wish you some peace at the end of a wild year… I hear that tomorrow there is going to be a gift in the sky for us, the Winter Solstice I believe! Thank you for reading this if you have gotten this far, talk soon


